DRE Overview Training - Webinar
TBA – 2024
This Webinar will be covering the most current NHTSA DRE Training Curriculum
Approved for 4 CLE hours by the State Bar of Georgia
This Webinar is taught by a highly experienced former DRE Instructor who has trained over 5,000 law enforcement officers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges in the NHTSA Impaired Driving training curriculums.
This Webinar provides the attendees with an overview of the requirements an officer must successfully complete to become a certified DRE and maintain the DRE certification, to include: the pre-requisites to attend the DRE course, the 2-day Pre-School phase, the 7-day DRE classroom phase, the field certification phase, the final knowledge exam, and the minimum number of completed evaluations performed every two years.
This Webinar also provides the attendees with a detailed explanation on every step a DRE must correctly perform in order for a 12-step drug evaluation to be valid and reliable, which includes: the Breath Test, the Interview of the Arresting Officer, the Preliminary Examinations & First Pulse, the Eye Examinations, the Psychophysical Tests, the Vital Signs & Second Pulse, the Dark Room Examinations & Ingestion Examination, the Muscle Tone Examination, Injection Sites Examination & Third Pulse, the Interview of the Suspect, the Opinion of the Evaluator, and the Toxicological Examination..
This Webinar also provides the attendees with a detailed explanation on how an officer is trained to correctly complete each section of a DRE Face Sheet during a 12-step evaluation and how an officer is trained to accurately transfer the information from a DRE Face Sheet into a standardized and systematic DRE Narrative Report.
Attendees will receive the most current DRE Pre-school student manual, the DRE 7-day student manual, the DRE drug symptomology chart, the DRE 12-step checklist, copies of mock DRE reports, and a handout version of speaker’s power point presentation (over 1200 pages of materials / electronic format). Attendees will also receive a certificate of completion.
Instructor: Anthony D. Palacios – Impaired Driving Specialists, LLC
Dates & Times: TBA – 2024
Tuition: $229. / Attendee
Click Here to Register for TBA – 2024
Location: Webinar – Once registered, attendees will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the webinar on the selected Webinar date.